'Aria' Anime Franchise Gets English Dub

The original slice of life series, penned by Kozue Amano, began its serialization in the monthly Stencil magazine in January 2001. The series later received a new serialization under Mag Garden's monthly Comic Blade label in February 2002, where it ran for 67 chapters and was collected into 12 compiled volumes. Junichi Satou adapted the manga into three TV series in Fall 2005, Spring 2006, and Winter 2008, respectively, all produced by Hal Film Maker. The series has also received an OVA adaptation and two special episodes. It later received a sequel, titled Aria the Avvenire, which premiered on September 26, 2015 and was produced by TYO Animations.
Source: Kickstarter page
20 of 58 Comments Recent Comments
for a second i thought it would receive a new TV adaptation.
well, good news for those who prefer dub.
Personally I don't care about the dub, other than I may be able to get friends and family to watch it.
I'm just excited that I can get a HD blu-ray release
They have been in regular contact with the Aria's director Junichi Sato, so hopefully we'll know what his reaction is to what the end results are of this.
But I do remember that with the Muv Luv Kickstarter Age were so blown away that there was an international demand for it that they felt it opened up new future possibilities for them
So I'm not going to rule out another OVA or series if Sato feels there is enough of a market and demand to bankroll it.
Also for the studio, this is just the start, international distributors may pick it up like they did for Escaflowne, there is also their percentage cut for future blu ray sales, and who knows, maybe Crunchyroll might grab the dub taking it to a wider audience as there are still a lot of people that refuse to watch subs.
Now I may be sounding naive there in hoping international sales and demand can help get a series made, but we've all seen the chart of where anime get's it's income, and how in 2015 with just over 18,000 (100 million yen) nearly 6,000 of that came from international sales, and it was the largest single source of income. So maybe it's not too much of a pipedream.
Sep 11, 2017 11:08 AM by mrfried
well, good news for those who prefer dub.
Sep 11, 2017 10:16 AM by Aria
But Aria (the series) is actually good. What's wrong with making more exposure?
Doesn't matter if it's good, dub elitists don't care about it they care only about shounens.
"Dub Elitists"
C'mon lol troll somewhere else
Sep 11, 2017 6:50 AM by senorblu
I did say if you weren't of the collector mindset, because you said you weren't, you could always just get the regular versions.
I suppose the question I should have asked is, do you want to get the blu-rays? Or are you saying you would never buy blu-rays without a collectors chipboard box?
At this point I'm failing to understand you, if you normally get the anime you love on blu-ray, then there is the option just to get the blu-ray.
If you're saying you don't want to stump up an extra $50 for a chipboard box, and you wouldn't risk it anyway because you don't know the size or the art, then don't stump up the extra $50 and just get the regular KS blu-rays.
The regular blu-rays on KS have the reversible covers and the reason I mentioned it is you said you didn't like to buy sight unseen because you might not like the artwork, but the reversible cover would allow you to pick which artwork you prefer rather than wait for the blu-rays to come available later on to the public release where they only have one cover option, and you'd be paying the same amount.
Also there was every reason for Nozomi to not make a tier with just the artbox and blu-rays, as I said before, that tier is what got the Kickstarter funded. The majority of the backers are on that one tier and most of them are just after the artbox, if it had been available on a cheaper tier then it wouldn't have hit the stretch goals and it wouldn't have then ended up where it is now.
But it's up to you, if you like this series and you want it on blu-ray you can either get it now, or wait for a good while later, because there is going to be a publishing gap between the KS release and the public release. Also, it will cost you the exact same for that one as it would for the basic tier version, but hey, your choice.
And no one is telling you to pay an extra $50 for the box, you've clearly decided you don't need or want it, and if you were to wait for the public release there certainly isn't going to be a box with those.
However you don't want it on blu-ray, just stream it.
Sep 11, 2017 3:16 AM by mrfried
You'll be waiting quite a while to get the seasons of Aria as they've stated that there will be a holdback period.
Also, they've stated that the 90 minute roundtable with the Japanese cast and director that's part of the Avvenire release will only be on the Kickstarter release.
They're trying to put out the best possible release. In his AMA, the head of RightStuf said that collectible releases actually sell well, but that's not really why things are priced the way they are. Pair (just S1) is $50, Pair Plus is $90 (so $50+$40), Pair Double Plus $130 ($50+$40+$40), and Pair Triple Plus $195 ($50+$40+$40+$65). Given the last includes S3 (and episode 5.5), Arietta, the Picture Dramas, and Avvenire that's pretty good, especially since they also have to do the extra work of the subtitles on Avvenire (and the Picture Dramas I think). It's 13+26+15+4=58 episodes (plus the Picture Dramas) for $195. This also includes the subtitling they'll have to do on the 90 minute roundtable as well.
So, if one wants there's a way to back at a reasonable price, but you don't get the artbox or the other extras.[/quote]
While I appreciate you giving me this information, I have the same information and knowledge you have. I have kept up with the campaign (in case I did need to pledge to help push to the goal line), kickstarter updates, the AMA, Nozomis facebook/ twitter, and ANN. Your information on the box information is ALL GUESS WORK, and your probably close to right, but im not a fan of 3 cases (Perfer no more then 1-2 cases)! or more in a artbox. Nozomi has made its stance clear on how it intends to run the kickstarter (Catering to the crazey fan collectors), which is fine by me. If there was a tier for me, I would pledge in a heart beat, but theres not, nor will there be in the future! And me being the consumer I have only 1 reason to back the campaign. To fund the dub! Why would I pay 50, when I know full well it will be 35 or maybe cheaper in the holiday sale? The Cons far out weigh the Pros for me!
And im sorry, but there is absolutely zero reasons for Nozomi to have not created a tier for just the bluray and artbox only the general collector who wants something a little better! And I seen the Lame excuse well everyone in the higher tier would downgrade their tiers. Sounds to me then like a forced purchase, a Collector fanbased ran kickstarter! Which I dont really want to support, because then the future kickstarters will be ran the same.
To be honest im ashame of Nozomi, after reaching way over the mark, he shouldve created a tier for just the artbox and show and seen just how many jump ship and move or if people upgraded or extra people come into the kickstarter!
Reversible exclusive covers - dont care! (Cam make my own, but seriously how many actually keep flipping the covers around)
Round table meeting - for crazey fan collectors! I honestly would pay extra for that Not to be on my disk taking up space.
Artbooks - I dont even crack the spines or even sneak a peek!
Mugs, shirts, toys, pins, patches, plushies, figures, posters - Garbage Can!
scripts - I will file it under 13!
signatures on things - I would pay them not to sign my cases/ artwork
Digital extras - By the time I personalize my pc or save anything, its time to get a new pc or everything gets deleted. So I dont care for Digital at all!
Exclusives - I only care for something exclusive, if its a exclusive episode relevant to the show its self!
Costumes- maybe, but doubtful cause I dont have time to go to cons!
Dinner with someone - Rather go by myself!
Watch live dub - zero interest!
Speaking part - In a heart beat for the right show! But I probably dont have time too, so I would send someone else in my place. Or I would skip the speaking part and just pay the 5 grand!
So as of now Im sticking with my plan to not back it because there is no reason to back it for me any more! Very sad, cause I would rather back all of Nozomis english bluray releases across the board weather I like the show or didnt! Ill wait to 2019 or 2020!
Sep 10, 2017 8:22 PM by KibaFan
Actually your mistaken when you say you understand my concerns, what your really trying to do is get me to join the hype train and blindy pay $50 extra for a box that I can not see, with no dimensions, and forceable blind buy a whole lotta extra stuff that I may or may not want shirt, mug, patches, pins, stickers, pads, pencils, and whatever else.! And when I talk box info, G2 is part one or my concern, the other concern is how many bluray cases inside the artbox 2,3,4,5???? Will extras be inside the box? While some people may enjoy or love the idea or all these odd shapes, sizes, extras in the boxes, and needing additional toys like a child, some of us just dont care for that! Or it may only be that we just want the extras for a few series we love. I do not want a massive mammoth box on my shelf that sticks out like a sore thumb! So its a $100 for 12 episodes! Im kinda partial to Viz and funimations LE boxes. And I been picking them up for $50 LE 12 episodes or from time to time $64 LE for 26 episodes, but its a older anime!
They've stated explicitly that the box will fit all the seasons, but it's just the Blu-Rays in the box. The reason why it's $100 (and was $95 at the start) for the box and the S1 was because of the cost of production. It costs a lot to make the dub and the upscale and do it right. It's $50 just for the Blu-ray of S1 itself. I'm expecting at least 4 cases and possibly 5 or 6 in the box. As there's S1, S2 parts 1 and 2, S3+Arietta, Picture Dramas, and Avvenire. So, if they bundle the Picture Dramas and Avvenire with S3, it's just 4, but they could separate them into an extra one for 5. It's unlikely that there will be a separate one for both the dramas and Avvenire, but who knows.
You'll be waiting quite a while to get the seasons of Aria as they've stated that there will be a holdback period.
Also, they've stated that the 90 minute roundtable with the Japanese cast and director that's part of the Avvenire release will only be on the Kickstarter release.
They're trying to put out the best possible release. In his AMA, the head of RightStuf said that collectible releases actually sell well, but that's not really why things are priced the way they are. Pair (just S1) is $50, Pair Plus is $90 (so $50+$40), Pair Double Plus $130 ($50+$40+$40), and Pair Triple Plus $195 ($50+$40+$40+$65). Given the last includes S3 (and episode 5.5), Arietta, the Picture Dramas, and Avvenire that's pretty good, especially since they also have to do the extra work of the subtitles on Avvenire (and the Picture Dramas I think). It's 13+26+15+4=58 episodes (plus the Picture Dramas) for $195. This also includes the subtitling they'll have to do on the 90 minute roundtable as well.
So, if one wants there's a way to back at a reasonable price, but you don't get the artbox or the other extras.
Sep 10, 2017 6:53 PM by tjl1973
KibaFan, I understand your concerns, however the blu-rays themselves are priced at around the average,
It's only if you want the kickstarter exclusive box that you pay more, but those were set on higher tiers with T-shirts, mugs and other things as a draw to get people on those tiers. It's kind of hard to be mad at that as this is what got the project funded early on. If you're not into the collector mindset, just get the regular blu-rays.
As for the box sizes, these have been stated as G2 size, so that's the regular blu-ray size case.
Can't help you with the artwork, other than the kickstarter does have reversible covers, something the regular release won't have, so right now you'll have two art options rather than just one later on.
Actually your mistaken when you say you understand my concerns, what your really trying to do is get me to join the hype train and blindy pay $50 extra for a box that I can not see, with no dimensions, and forceable blind buy a whole lotta extra stuff that I may or may not want shirt, mug, patches, pins, stickers, pads, pencils, and whatever else.! And when I talk box info, G2 is part one or my concern, the other concern is how many bluray cases inside the artbox 2,3,4,5???? Will extras be inside the box? While some people may enjoy or love the idea or all these odd shapes, sizes, extras in the boxes, and needing additional toys like a child, some of us just dont care for that! Or it may only be that we just want the extras for a few series we love. I do not want a massive mammoth box on my shelf that sticks out like a sore thumb! So its a $100 for 12 episodes! Im kinda partial to Viz and funimations LE boxes. And I been picking them up for $50 LE 12 episodes or from time to time $64 LE for 26 episodes, but its a older anime!
Bottom line - This kickstarter is only focused on milking/catering to the desperate fan! Its not setup to even remotely please/work with the general buyer, without making them feel like dirt. You know I wouldve spent $70-80 for a general LE with zero extras, but Nozomi made it Crystal Clear they are only interested in catering to that crazy collectible fan group only! And when they said that, they immediately lost me for not just this kickstarter, but probably future ones as well. Im not mad, im more then willing to let those guys pay for the dub and make my own ARTBOX for $10. and get exactly what I want from the mainstream release. I can wait for the mainstream release which will probably be alot cheaper then $50. If I had to guess closer to $38-35 per season in the Rightstuf Christmas sale.
My only reason/interest for wanting to pledge for the anime kickstarter was to help give the show the best dub release. But you got to wonder just how long the companys can keep relying on catering to the crazey collectible fan group! Call me crazey, but I thought the idea of the kickstarter was to give the show the best possible release and increase the fan base, but it looks to be to cater to a select collectible group.
Sep 10, 2017 6:22 PM by KibaFan
but dubbing a series like Aria and gives shows like that more exposure, more distributors will be buying up the rights and the studios will be able to make more shows like them.
Thats bulshit and you know it so stop with that, there will be no great sales of that shows when it get dub, so studio hardly make any differences from money they get from that. Masses don't watch shows like Aria in the first place, so they wont watch it/buy it if it get dub.
Stop being so
but dubbing a series like Aria and gives shows like that more exposure, more distributors will be buying up the rights and the studios will be able to make more shows like them.
Thats bulshit and you know it so stop with that, there will be no great sales of that shows when it get dub, so studio hardly make any differences from money they get from that. Masses don't watch shows like Aria in the first place, so they wont watch it/buy it if it get dub.
Jesus Christ stop acting like an entitled kid. No one is forcing you to watch the Damn thing. Let others enjoy whatever they want.
Sep 10, 2017 10:36 AM by Cyber_Icarus
Sep 10, 2017 10:28 AM by lequack
Aria actually has an Italian dub already, for anyone who wants to experience Neo Venezia in such a mood~
Sep 10, 2017 10:21 AM by Xiaraith
It's only if you want the kickstarter exclusive box that you pay more, but those were set on higher tiers with T-shirts, mugs and other things as a draw to get people on those tiers. It's kind of hard to be mad at that as this is what got the project funded early on. If you're not into the collector mindset, just get the regular blu-rays.
As for the box sizes, these have been stated as G2 size, so that's the regular blu-ray size case.
Can't help you with the artwork, other than the kickstarter does have reversible covers, something the regular release won't have, so right now you'll have two art options rather than just one later on.
Sep 10, 2017 1:21 AM by mrfried
but dubbing a series like Aria and gives shows like that more exposure, more distributors will be buying up the rights and the studios will be able to make more shows like them.
Thats bulshit and you know it so stop with that, there will be no great sales of that shows when it get dub, so studio hardly make any differences from money they get from that. Masses don't watch shows like Aria in the first place, so they wont watch it/buy it if it get dub.
Sep 10, 2017 1:00 AM by Swagernator
Sep 9, 2017 10:44 PM by Kadmos1
For people whining about the fact that dubs exist, the Kickstarter's other major goal was to upscale the anime into HD. Considering how awful the Japanese upscale was, I'm welcoming a new one. Pledged enough to get the new discs and I'm excited to rewatch Aria.
As for dubs, I don't tend to watch them but if that's how people enjoy anime then I don't really see the problem. Anime is entertainment after all. Someone watching an anime dubbed, or a dub even existing, doesn't really harm you. If this gets more people to watch Aria, which is downright incredible, I'm game.
This is how the dub vs. sub should be. Of course, not tending to watch a dub is different than almost never watching a dub.
If you want me to be more exact I can; I do not watch dubs at all. The only exceptions are that it's a nostalgia-fueled rewatch of the censored dubs that aired on television when I was younger, or I am watching an anime with someone who isn't willing to put up with subtitles. Dubs don't really appeal to me but my opinion of them remains the same as what I said above.
Sep 9, 2017 9:41 PM by Danielle
Sep 9, 2017 8:36 PM by KibaFan
For people whining about the fact that dubs exist, the Kickstarter's other major goal was to upscale the anime into HD. Considering how awful the Japanese upscale was, I'm welcoming a new one. Pledged enough to get the new discs and I'm excited to rewatch Aria.
As for dubs, I don't tend to watch them but if that's how people enjoy anime then I don't really see the problem. Anime is entertainment after all. Someone watching an anime dubbed, or a dub even existing, doesn't really harm you. If this gets more people to watch Aria, which is downright incredible, I'm game.
This is how the dub vs. sub should be. Of course, not tending to watch a dub is different than almost never watching a dub.
Sep 9, 2017 7:53 PM by Kadmos1
Sep 9, 2017 7:46 PM by Cludensyo
But if you just want shounen shows
Shounens are what exposure will bring into anime industry, and more shounens = end of creativity and comming of brainless shows.
And what a fantastic Shounen Aria the Animation is.
Your logic knows no bounds, sorry, no beginnings.
Right now there are mostly just Shounen dubs, these get the most exposure, but dubbing a series like Aria and gives shows like that more exposure, more distributors will be buying up the rights and the studios will be able to make more shows like them. And as I said before, sales from the international market are bringing in extra money to studios like Studio 3H that did Flip Flappers, a series that bombed in Japan
But in your mind that translates to more shounen being made? You're a special one.
Sep 9, 2017 4:11 PM by mrfried
For people whining about the fact that dubs exist, the Kickstarter's other major goal was to upscale the anime into HD. Considering how awful the Japanese upscale was, I'm welcoming a new one. Pledged enough to get the new discs and I'm excited to rewatch Aria.
As for dubs, I don't tend to watch them but if that's how people enjoy anime then I don't really see the problem. Anime is entertainment after all. Someone watching an anime dubbed, or a dub even existing, doesn't really harm you. If this gets more people to watch Aria, which is downright incredible, I'm game.
you're a man of culture my friend. we need more people like you on MAL.
Sep 9, 2017 3:52 PM by Cyber_Icarus
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Kiba you misunderstood me, when I said I understood your concerns I wasn't trying to get you to stump up $50 for the box.
I did say if you weren't of the collector mindset, because you said you weren't, you could always just get the regular versions.
I suppose the question I should have asked is, do you want to get the blu-rays? Or are you saying you would never buy blu-rays without a collectors chipboard box?
At this point I'm failing to understand you, if you normally get the anime you love on blu-ray, then there is the option just to get the blu-ray.
If you're saying you don't want to stump up an extra $50 for a chipboard box, and you wouldn't risk it anyway because you don't know the size or the art, then don't stump up the extra $50 and just get the regular KS blu-rays.
The regular blu-rays on KS have the reversible covers and the reason I mentioned it is you said you didn't like to buy sight unseen because you might not like the artwork, but the reversible cover would allow you to pick which artwork you prefer rather than wait for the blu-rays to come available later on to the public release where they only have one cover option, and you'd be paying the same amount.
Also there was every reason for Nozomi to not make a tier with just the artbox and blu-rays, as I said before, that tier is what got the Kickstarter funded. The majority of the backers are on that one tier and most of them are just after the artbox, if it had been available on a cheaper tier then it wouldn't have hit the stretch goals and it wouldn't have then ended up where it is now.
But it's up to you, if you like this series and you want it on blu-ray you can either get it now, or wait for a good while later, because there is going to be a publishing gap between the KS release and the public release. Also, it will cost you the exact same for that one as it would for the basic tier version, but hey, your choice.
And no one is telling you to pay an extra $50 for the box, you've clearly decided you don't need or want it, and if you were to wait for the public release there certainly isn't going to be a box with those.
However you don't want it on blu-ray, just stream it.
I dont know if its a reading comprehension getting in your way or what. But its pretty plainly written there! I would love to support Aria, but I do not want to support a blind buying collector based fan driven kickstarter that centers to catering to the collectors snobs only ran by people trying to force a collectors agenda on me! Nozomi made it crystal clear thats how it planning to run the kickstarters current and future, and then they tripped on their own words through out the whole campaign! We want everyone to get the chance to own blank anime, but if you want the artbox to make it nice, you have to buy the rest of the kitchen set (This looks like a giant middle finger to the lower end / casual fan)! If you want the box pay the ridiculous extra $50 price tag.
Quote from a update on DLK
"Some customers have inquired as to if we will add the chipboard box as an add-on item. Given that these boxes are specifically aimed at collectors and are exclusive to the Kickstarter, they will remain only for the PRIMA tier or above. If you wish to have the chipboard box, you will need to upgrade to that level or above"
Quote from a forum update Kris
"Just to move the conversation in a different direction for awhile, here's the official word - as Shawne has stated previously. The box will be locked to the current tiers. We will not be moving it to other tiers or making it available as an add-on. If you want the box, please look to switching tiers. We understand the $$ crunch and we've made it possible for those of you whose wallets are waiting for paychecks to add on the post campaign period so that you could afford to switch your tiers now to do just that if you wish to ensure that you get the box. Sorry, but the box is a bonus for those at a specific tier or higher."
I can find these quotes all day long!
Here I thought the point of the kickstarter was to give the anime the best possible release and reach a larger audience (draw people in)! And they wonder why so many people went to streaming and illegal sites (shakes head)!
So yes I plan to not support Nozomis kickstarter or future ones. I will simple let those same backers fork over those monsterous amounts of cash day in and day out and I will wait for the main stream release and make my own Artbox while only paying about $35 a season. I can wait a few years for the mainstream. Its funny because I know the same few people wont be able to keep forking over those big amounts for long, Bandai, Aniplex, and Poncan have proven that the collector ran model doesnt work for long! They still need the general collector or basic lower end crowd. Money will dry up eventually! If not thats ok, I will be happy picking up the mainstream relase and making my own artboxs (You dont get more exclusive then that and I will get exactly what I want, tons of HQ artwork all over the web)!
FYI - 12 episode show Funimation LE or ViZ LE with a artbox can be picked up for $50-60. A show with no artbox can be picked up for $33-38 give or take during a studio sale.
Sep 11, 2017 11:45 AM by KibaFan